Everyone needs a Disaster Survival Coach!

No one is born knowing what to do in a fire, or how to pack a survival kit. It’s a learnt skill. And not many of us have learnt the skill. I wasn’t taught at school or from my parents. This is why when you watch the news, we still see horrible stories of someone losing their life because they were driving in moving flood waters. Because, that poor person thought they could. They didn’t know the dangers. Knowing how to be prepared and how to act in a disaster situation comes down to a few skills and our behaviour. It’s just like driving a car.

Out of 10, how prepared are you?

You might be on holiday, at your home, or visiting friends when the unexpected happens. Would you know what to do? I are here to make knowing what to do in unexpected situations easier. I break it down, step by step and make it relatable so that becoming prepared is an enjoyable experience and one you can share with your friends and family. So, less talk, more action, let’s go!
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A Book Series For Kids That Teaches Essential Survival Skills

A fun and thrilling adventure series that teaches kids about natural disasters and offers advice on how to stay safe. 



Four things to know for a Fire safe home


Thinking about food that can last For ages


Ever wondered if you can use expired sunscreen?


this is the number 1 Cause of House fires By Pets


Tanya Ellen
Based in Australia, Tanya Ellen is also known as the Disaster Survival Coach. Through her TikTok channel, she produces accessible, entertaining content on how to cope with unexpected events. Tanya is the Chief youth and family advisor at the International Sustainable Resilience Center, a Not For Profit organization in the United States. Tanya is also a panelist and moderator for international conferences in tech, sustainability, and adaptation. She is the author of the Award-winning children’s Disaster Survival series: The Tufts.

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